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इन्वेंटरी, उत्पाद आयन, डिस्पैच और बहुत कुछ प्रबंधित करने के लिए एकल ऐप।

एक नए युग का ईआरपी न केवल आपको अपने व्यवसाय डेटा और इन्वेंट्री को ट्रैक करने में मदद करता है बल्कि बेहतर चलने वाले व्यवसाय के लिए उत्पादन, स्टॉक और डिस्पैच को ट्रैक करने में भी मदद करता है।

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ऐप क्या कर सकता है

Your All-in-One Solution

Shift from the chaos of registers & excels to a New-Age digital Inventory

Eliminate Registers from your factory and create excels on click of a button

ScaleEasy - Mobile First ERP  Landing Page.png

Monitor your live Production remotely in our Mobile application

Now take customer orders without a need to call supervisors

SVGs for Landing page Benefits.png

Minimize the dead stock through real time stock report

Search inventory and sale existing goods before making new production

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Improve Brand Image and Worker Satisfaction with Label Printing

With Scanned dispatch and automatic dispatch sheet features, the errors can be detected resulting no conflict


Print packing list for dispatched Items through QR Code

Scan QR codes with Scanner gun and make your dispatch easy and error free


Consumption vs Production Reports just a click away

Analyse Machine efficiency through weekly and monthly reports

Silk Rolls

For Dynamic Needs


Raw Material Inventory

Create Unlimited Raw Materials of your choice and track


Finished Goods Stock

Maintain Production in App directly and auto update after Dispatch

Label Printing with QR Code

Print Stickers with Branding, Product Details and QR code

Product Search Filters

Search Inventory with filters of Size, Color, Print, GSM and more

Orders/Job Entry

Create Orders directly into the app to understand your Raw Material needs

Auto Net Weight

Set your Roll net weight calculation and app will do the rest

User Permissions

Create & Give access to use Inventory, Dispatch or Reports to users you select

Cross Platform

Use ScaleEasy on Android, Apple and even your Computer without any delay

स्केलईज़ी सॉल्यूशन के बारे में

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आपके व्यवसाय के लिए ScaleEasy क्यों है

रीयल-टाइम जानकारी के साथ बेहतर रिपोर्टिंग टूल

मालिक और प्रबंधक के बीच संचार को आसान बनाने के लिए उन्नत व्यावसायिक रिपोर्टिंग

रीयल-टाइम जानकारी के साथ बेहतर रिपोर्टिंग टूल

मालिक और प्रबंधक के बीच संचार को आसान बनाने के लिए उन्नत व्यावसायिक रिपोर्टिंग

रीयल-टाइम जानकारी के साथ बेहतर रिपोर्टिंग टूल

मालिक और प्रबंधक के बीच संचार को आसान बनाने के लिए उन्नत व्यावसायिक रिपोर्टिंग

बेहतर ग्राहक

ग्राहक जानकारी तक बेहतर पहुंच  संगठन को ग्राहक की जरूरतों और आवश्यकताओं को समझने देना बेहतर है।

संतुष्ट उपभोक्ता

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एएनडब्ल्यू इंडिया

फैब्रिक रोल और बैग निर्माता,


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ग्रैंड फिलामेंट्स

फैब्रिक रोल और बैग निर्माता,


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एएस ग्रुप

फैब्रिक रोल और बैग निर्माता,



श्री मणिराम

कपड़ा रोल निर्माता,


  • Who can use this app?
    Workers in Inventory, Production and Dispatch, Supervisors, Accountants, Marketing/Sales and Owners can use this app for their day to day work in factory.
  • Is there a free trial available?
    A 14-days free trial is available to explore app features.
  • How do I try the ScaleEasy app?
    Simply book a free demo where we will guide you in a video call about how to signup and use the app. You would need an Android mobile device to start on this.
  • How is my Company data stored, maintained and shared?
    Your data is securely stored on AWS Servers. We maintain each company's data separately and we do not share any company's data to any third party for any purposes. Company owners can restrict data visibility as per their need.
  • Is ScaleEasy also available for laptop/computer?
    ScaleEasy is also available on Web for laptops/computers which is connected to the mobile app for live data updates.
  • Can I add Roll Qualities I maintain or Bag Styles I use?
    Roll Colors, Quality, Bag Styles, Inventory items and more can configured based on your needs.
  • Is customisation and personalisation possible for the app?
    Enterprise Plan is available where you can get any customisations you need. Contact our Sales team to discuss plans for your needs.
  • How is my orders and accounting data being stored?
    ScaleEasy does not store any pricing or accounting details at the moment. However we do allow you to make jobs for your production.
  • What all do I need to implement this in my factory/plant?
    You would need at least 1 Android phone, 1 Label Printer and 1 Scanner gun to implement ScaleEasy. You can also get the hardware arranged for you by us on prior request.

आइए एक डेमो शेड्यूल करें!

प्रश्नों और सूचनाओं के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें!


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